I haven't written in a bit. Frankly I've been tired and every time I start to write it feels like I'm feeling sorry for myself for the stuff that has me feeling tired. Stuff that is affecting others, another especially, more than me.
We've had a lot going on with work. Projects, plans, meetings and the lot. But home has been more than a little frazzled.
About six weeks ago Tori woke up saying that her shoulder hurt. We though at first she'd slept funny but when it didn't go away in several days, through the weekend, we called the first of the next week to get a Dr.'s appointment. The Dr. is great, she takes Tori and the pain seriously. Because nothing had brought it on, no fall or anything, she felt that an orthopedic person should do the x-rays and consult.
Unfortunately the Dr. she suggested and trusted wasn't in our insurance network so we had to find someone else who in all truth we ended up none too happy with. Because Tori is the type to not complain in public I can only think that he took her as a kid trying to get out of school or something. He ran no tests and after literally a three minute consult he prescribed physical therapy.
Fast forward three weeks later and Tori is still hurting. Outside the house she won't say much but at home the first words out of her mouth when she gets up and the lasts words at night are, "my shoulder hurts." In between that time she takes back to back doses of tylenol and ibuprofen with no real relief. We ice it, we heat it, we stretch it, we practice the exercises the physical therapist gives but nothing seems to help. She's pretty much miserable and asks more often than not, "why can't you fix it." I feel like a pretty crappy mom.
Her pediatrician had x-rays ran and nothing showed up. We tried more physical therapy but even the Physical therapist didn't think that was working either. Most recently her Dr. sent her for an MRI. Being in the machine didn't seem to bother her but having the contraption they have to put on your shoulder on for about half an hour left her aching and in tears for several hours afterward.
Today we found out that the MRI showed nothing. Nada. It's beyond frustrating. We don't want anything to be there but we know something has to be going on because she's simply not feeling any better. The not knowing can drive you crazy. At least if we knew what was going on we might be able to find ways to help it.
At the end of this week she's going to a pediatric orthopedic Dr. Hopefully she'll be able to give us some idea of what's going on.
I have a tendency to not ask for help. For me at least. At this point though I am not above asking for prayers and get well vibes. Prayers that she'll feel better and prayers that we'll figure out what's going on. The past weeks have been pretty stressful and it's effecting all of us so prayers for a little peace of mind would be nice too.
Anyhow, hopefully we'll have some news soon. I'll make sure to update if we do.
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