So I haven't looked, don't know who won or didn't. The lottery I mean. It's all anyone has talked about for the last week or so.
Be it, "can you imagine what you'd do with that much?" to, "it would ruin your life, " just about everywhere I've been I've heard people talking. The thing that struck me most was that most everyone wanted to help someone else.
Most everyone I know is somewhere in the middle working hard, has just enough but not enough that they can stop worrying if something were to happen. And most all of us are surrounded by others in the same situation.
What I heard a lot of is not I'd buy a yacht or new house, granted once the conversation got going there was some daydreaming, but mostly I heard people wanting to take care of their families, coworkers and friends. They wanted to help them pay off their homes and debt, make sure their parents were safe and able to stay in their homes in their later years. Most didn't really want to be billionaires they wanted the chance to get out of debt and be able to have a sense of security for themselves and those around them. Most wanted to share and be kind.
Of course some fun was had planning the islands they'd buy, the dream occupations and travel. I think dreaming is one of the biggest reasons people play. You know you're probably never going to win but for the short moment you get to daydream and play what if. When people are working days on end with just enough to get by they can lose the ability to do that. People, sadly, must do what they have to do to take care of their family and homes and don't get the luxury to think of all the things they would love to do. I guess that's why, with the exception of those that are doing it at the detriment of making sure their kids have food and they can pay their bills, I don't see a reason why they shouldn't be allowed a few dollars to let them dream.
I have to say it was nice hearing people talk. You saw at the cores of what they worry about. You saw hope and a lightheartedness that you don't get to see often. It was nice. I wish there was some way to give people that every day. Everyone win enough to pay off several months of bills so everyone is ahead and able to start saving towards their dream goals. Everyone make a living wage and be able to not worry that sickness or childcare can mean they're one step from failure. I wish everyone were on an even playing ground. Everyone able to better them self and get ahead. I wish that there wasn't such a huge gap between the haves and have nots and people could look at those around them more often not as competition but as friends who we each should care about and help. Just imagine.
All that said I don't know the answer. Other than for people to always try and see the good in others. Try to see that most all are trying their best just like you are. I think sometimes the lack of dreams in people is what really gets them down and unable to see that in many ways we have won the lottery. At least I know I have. I saw that yesterday as I pulled in the drive and saw the jackpot of a view I have. I guess basically it's been nice to see the similarities I'm people that this big shared daydream has brought out. I hope we can keep a little bit of that dream alive even if not everyone can win.
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