I got a little time to play last night. I had went down to give the chickens some treats, macaroni and green beans, the light was dying fast but I couldn't help but get sidetracked heading back to the house from the coop and I ended up in the building. There was just enough light from the back doors, still need to get a light for out there, to play around with the dremel.
I'm still learning to use it. I've been trying out the different bits and speeds, it's hard to estimate the pressure to put on the gourds with each one. Right now I'm using a tiny practice gourd. I'm not entirely happy with the outcome of all the cuts but I think I'm getting better. Once I feel more confident I'm going to move on to the two big guys!
I really want to make massive lanterns, possibly even one that could be a hanging fixture. I love how you can get different colors of light and designs by cutting only halfway through and leaving a thinner layer or drilling completely through. Here's the "rough" draft that I've managed so far.