Do you ever feel that the so called "normal" procedure of every day life just doesn't fit you and your family? Like all the things you do because that's what's supposed to be done, the day to day grind, was designed with a few in mind and maybe it ought to be rethought? Maybe life isn't a one size fits all sort of situation?
I'm feeling a little frustrated. We're dealing with some stuff and trying to play catch up and really just need to get a little organization and at least in one area some answers.
Our oldest has been dealing with some stuff for a little over eight months now. She's been in physical therapy twice a week for around seven of those months. She's had x-rays, an MRI, test for childhood arthritis. She takes Alieve twice a day ever day, does her exercises at home, still she goes to bed hurting and wakes up hurting and it seems to be getting worse not better.
The arthritis test was negative. The x-rays and MRI don't show any bone issue. The orthopedic Dr keeps saying physical therapy but also says she doesn't think it's bone related. Her physical therapist had been great but she seems to be at a loss too. This past week she basically said what we've thought, it doesn't seem to be working. She also mentioned a term that has made more sense than just about anything we've heard so far, after researching it. Hypermobility. Which means her joints can basically overextend themselves. Like all of them.
Obviously we're not Dr's so we're going to try and get her into a juvenile rheumatologist to see if this is a possibility and if she can be tested for us. We're sort of grasping at straws at this point. But like I said, after reading up on it, this makes more sense than anything else has. At this point we'd just like to have a label for why she's feeling this way.
You know we've only been dealing with this for a short while in the grand scheme of things. The way it has affected our life has been subtle in comparison to what others go through with a sick child. It's truly given me an even bigger respect for those dealing with an ongoing issue like this. It also makes me view the "regular" schedule of life and all the things we do because "that's just how it is" with a newfound level of, frustration I guess for lack of a better word.
It's hard to make a kid get up a going when you know they ache all over and pain medication and nothing else seems to help them. We do, and she does, but when you're all tired from the extra rush, appointments, worry any sometimes lack of sleep because of the nights sleep being interrupted because an achy back is keeping her from sleep it's hard to get moving.
I'm just venting. We're just tired. We just want answers really. Okay, enough griping. We still have school and work. Still need to find matching socks. I'm going to end my little pity party and get moving. I will ask for a prayer or two though. Tori really feels cruddy, she could use them I think.
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