Driving home last night I had such an odd quiet feeling of happy contentment. We were coming back from having dinner out for my Mommas, yes I call her Momma, 63rd birthday. It wasn't too horribly late but Dennis, the girls and I were a little on the tired side from all the rushing this week and from running straight from the work and school day that ended at 5 to make a 6 p.m. dinner time.
We were tired but not grumpy like we might have been. I was driving for once though and for me that can make the world of difference in the day and my mood. I often write in my head while I drive. I know it might seem odd to some but I sincerely have about three ongoing story lines in my subconscious that I've been trying to flesh out for several years now. Driving affords me the opportunity to be in the mindset to do that.
Ever heard of a fugue state? Websters Dictionary defines it as: a disturbed state of consciousness in which the one affected seems to perform acts in full awareness but upon recovery cannot recollect the acts performed.
Now obviously while driving I'm not in a "disturbed state of conciousness that I can't recollect." For me though I find it a very relaxing and mind clearing task. I know others who feel similarly about other mundane tasks. Best as I can explain I think basically it can happen when you are in the process of doing some routine action, like driving, the dishes, mowing maybe. Your whole body is actively involved in the doing of this thing that you, for the most part, could do in your sleep and it's like for those moments your body remembers the habit of the action (never underestimate the power of habit) and your brain is sort of on a mini vacation. At least that's how I'd describe it. Again, I say I'm not completely in lala land, I focus on the road, I'm still interacting with the world and those in the vehicle with me, but in the quiet moments between music playing and the chatter of those with me I can float off a bit into a world of my own creation. Neverland.
Last night was like that. It was nearing almost nine and we were listening and singing along to the songs on the radio and one in particular came on that perhaps best fit the feeling I have when driving like this better than any other ever could, "Lost Boy" by Ruth B. Click on the blue words to listen:
Lost Boy
We all, even the girls, were quiet. We drove into the first blush of sunset as the sky shaded over from pink to periwinkle and deep navy at the very edges where it blended into the black velvet of silhouetted trees. It was only just a three to four minute song but it left me such a deep sense of peace.
As we drove onward home and other songs and the voices of the ones I love most filled the air around me I thought again about the coming of fall, we commented on how the days were growing shorter as we speed past the years longest day.
Despite all the worries of the week and rush that never seems to slow, for that span of time and even now the morning after, I feel hopeful and look forward to the cool slowness of fall. Looking forward. Not dreading or trying to make it through. It's been a long while since I've felt that way about the coming of what will eventually be winter.
I wish I could have captured a picture of the sunset we drove into but I think that might have ruined the peace of it some how. I'll include another sunset but the one from last night will have to remain inside my mind. In Neverland I suppose.
Good Saturday morning everyone. I hope you each enjoy your own moment of flight to Neverland soon.
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