Monday, August 1, 2016

Snow Day For Every Foggy Day

Evidently there's an old wives tale that every foggy day in August is equal to one snow day this winter.  I'm thinking this morning might equal flurries.  There was just a slight blur to the hillsides,  granted I woke up a little later than normal.

The other day I woke of my own accord, promptly at 5:51 a.m. which was funny because the sun was just rising. Today is Monday though so of course I'm dragging.  New week.  New month. School starts back Wednesday,  I turn 40 Thursday.

I'd say as new beginnings go were at least heading into it with good intentions.  I cleaned and and de cluttered most of yesterday.  We're trying to find some semblance of order to help make the days run smoothly.

Dennis is trying to get the garden finished up. He did corn again yesterday.  Less than expected because raccoons got into it Saturday night.  Well, they got into the older corn. Still some not ready yet.  There's already around 50 quarts in the freezer though!  I think we're going to be okay!

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