Sunday, July 24, 2016

Betrayal Or Blessing?

Often I begrudge my incessant need to wake early.  I'm never sure how or why my body betrays me to force my eyes open or my back to ache in my position, just enough,  to make me pull the covers back and stretch forth into the morning.

But sometimes, I remember and I understand.  I crave this quiet, peaceful time. I need these moments of early morning, mottled light that filters soft through the steam covered windows. 

All is quiet and it's too early for my worries to wake. Perhaps my body doesn't betray me at all.  Perhaps, instead,  it helps me seek the solace needed to re center me. 

These fleeting moments of solitude often help me remember and appreciate all that I have and sometimes forget in the chaos of daily life and self doubt. My sleepy brain is perhaps more sure of itself than at any other time.

Good morning all. May you find a few moments to feel blessed yourself today.

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