I've been giving a little thought of late as to what my need is to write, to capture on photo our every day life. On the face I know it is to remember, to reflect, to reminiscence, it's for something that is entirely my own but I think some of it is bigger than that.
Sometimes I do hash my worries out by talking out of my head about what keeps swirly around from the day or week but looking back I also see that I'm taking a moment to look at the less worrisome and maybe to magnify the good and the beauty I see. I think maybe I'm trying to find a little control over all the negativity and sadness that surrounds us at times.
My life isn't without problems. Those that know me know I lean to the melancholy at times. My sense of humor is a little on the dark side, I'm definitely sarcastic and these days especially I've been losing the sense of optimism that I had long ago. On here though, in these few words and random photos of the day I can tilt the world back a bit towards the light I think.
I can offer up a little happy, a little niceness, I can CHOOSE to focus on the good in the world I see around me and for a brief moment pass that on to someone else, who I hope in turn might smile and pass on their own light to someone else.
When I write about the silly things my kids do, when I share a picture of a sunset or fresh baked pie, I think it's my way of finding a little balance. We share so much sadness, so much wrong that has been done to another, we fight, we blame, we hate.
We draw lines in the sand and refuse to budge and in that we forget to take a moment and look to the left to see that the sand we're drawing in is at the edge of this amazing ocean of beauty that we have become blind to because of all the negativity skewing our view.
I'm not oblivious. I'm not burying my head. I don't belittle the need to fight for what is right and to make sure that the truth is heard. I just think we need to take a moment to pause and recenter, to breathe in the world around us, lest we forget what we are fighting for to begin with. In the end if we don't still have that, the recognition of the fact that we have been given a gift in just being allowed to live and that many of us have won the lottery by being born in a place that affords us the right to even have our opinions, then what's the point? If we take it all for granted and throw all the opportunities to be kind and to still see each other as human at our core with all the same qualities and abilities to feel pain, sadness and yes happiness then I fear we'll become lost in this forest of our our own making.
So for me this blog is me trying to tilt the universe. Yeah deep ain't it? Every pie crust, funny story, sunrise, sunset and flower petal, is a quiet little jab at the notion that I have to be enveloped by all the bad that has been feeding the frenzy of media coverage and allowing all the nay sayers and negative nellies to throw a darker and darker shade of paint over our view of the world.
The way I see it light begets light. If we start posting the good we see, the beauty, if we magnify the kindness in the world, pretty soon that good is going to become the norm and the way to be.
We have forgotten that we are the driving force in what "sells". We get what we ask for, whether we realize it or not. It's a crazy notion I know. I am the first to admit it's not as simple as it sounds either. You can get so caught up in the drama and and languishing in your own sadness and anger that you can forget what real happiness looked and felt like. It's easier to just wallow than to get up, do the work, wash off all the darkness and TRY.
This is my "Try". I challenge each of you to do the same. For every sad thing you see share, post or tweet something happy. For every word of hate, offer a word of kindness. Respond by building someone up instead of putting them down. I think it might just help! "They may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."
If you're with me I hope you'll join our blog. It's free, you just have to supply your e-mail address. I think it would be pretty cool to see if the stuff I share is actually enjoyed and maybe will bring a little happy and light to someone else. If you don't that's fine too. I'll still be here looking at sunsets and eating pie. I hope you do too!
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