Sitting on the couch at 12:37 a.m. just me and my phone, debating on whether or not to risk turning on the tv. Fear of waking the girls up is making me think better of it. I think I may be here tonight because of their recent poor sleeping habits. That and sinus headaches.
I was up late or rather early I guess, yesterday as well. My busting headache took forever to calm down then when it did and I had just drifted off to sleep Gabs had a nightmare and came to sleep with us. I have to say that seven year olds can cover a large area of mattress despite their small size. I hugged the corner of the bed until 5 a.m. when I decided get on the couch only to find it was already occupied by Dennis who'd also been rooted out. So back to bed I went for my last 45 minutes of sleep where I managed to shift Gabs over a bit.
Comically when Gabby woke up she made the comment that our bed was a tight squeeze but that she'd slept comfy. Umm....Dennis and I not so much.
So tonight I was pretty tired. Went to bed by 10:45 only to wake back up at 11:30. I've roamed the house, took a bath, adjusted the thermostat and watched the planes fly by through the night sky on the path they take behind the house. I'm still incredibly tired but my brain won't give up for the night.
I hate when you have several out of wack nights and then when you finally can sleep you just can't. Ugh. To make matters worse our fire detectors, which are wired in, have been giving off this periodic low beep at random times. We know nothing is wrong but despite all efforts, even turning off the breaker to them and taking out the back up batteries they keep on going. The next step is to replace them but this week has been crazy and there just hasn't been time. Dennis plans to work on it this weekend but until then it's, NIGHT OF THE LIVING SMOKE DETECTORS!
I'm writing in the hopes that I can empty my brain of all the insanity that swirls inside and leaves me worrying and wondering about odd things like, can lady bugs see in the dark? Because I just saw one crawling cross the kitchen table a few minutes ago. I mean seriously, I don't see one all day then suddenly there she is making her way cross the table. All the lights are out. Only seems reasonable that they can see in the dark. Also why are they called lady bugs? Are there no males? If so where do they come from? Probably the same place phantom smoke detector beeps do.
I think perhaps my brain is starting to slow down finally. I am catching myself having to back space a lot. Maybe I can try to crawl back in bed. Let's see. Wish me luck. Hope I don't step on any lady bugs.
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