Monday, December 21, 2015

Present For Myself
I am realizing now that I'm my own worst enemy,  my own brain fighting myself and never truly allowing myself to be in the moment.  I am forever worried about what hasn't been done,  what needs to be done,  what I'm forgetting to do.  In the meantime I don't let myself and sometimes even those around me enjoy what we are doing right then.  So this year I'm going to try and give myself a Christmas present.  I'm going to allow myself to be present. 
The world won't end if the house isn't pristine on Christmas morning.  I shouldn't feel any less joy or feel any worse about myself if I don't complete everything on my to do list.  I am here. I have a wonderful husband, daughters, family and am blessed with so much more than most.  Begrudging myself the happiness in that knowledge isn't what I need to make sure the world,  my world, turns at the proper tilt.
It's tiresome telling yourself you aren't enough and haven't done enough.  So I will do what I can and I'm going to take the time to enjoy what I am and the blessings I have around me.
Good morning Monday.  

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