So you know how Dennis has a favorite Christmas movie? Well so do I, "A Christmas Story.
Don't get me wrong, I like National Lampoons too, it's just I love Ralphy and his pink bunny suit. There's an underlying tackiness to the whole thing that makes me happy on a strange level. I identify somehow.
If it wouldn't scar them emotionally for life I'd dress both our girls up, maybe even Dennis and I too, in pink bunny suits and take a family Christmas card photo. No doubt we'd end up on that Awkward Family Photo site though and that stuff follows you for life. I wouldn't be a good mom if I stunted my children's emotional stability with embarrassment like that. Now if perhaps I just took a home photo that I framed for our own viewing enjoyment. That I brought out and proudly displayed, say when they start dating? Well now that, that's a learning experience, character building even...don'tcha think?
Where would someone find pink bunny suits for the whole family? I'm sure it's feasible on the Internet, let's see...yup sure enough. Amazon can cover your whole family's bunny suit needs! Of course I guess buying pink bunny suits for the whole family isn't that realistic. It's doubtful I could get Dennis in one anyhow. Oh well.
So what's a girl to do when she can't fulfill her dream of group bunny suit photos? Well get a leg lamp of course! Remember how I said that the outdoor Christmas decorations were slow going? I did get something up finally. No, not an actual leg lamp, haven't found a real one that I'm willing to spring for just yet. I did, however, find a pretty cool and equally tacky window cling that I proudly displayed in our front living room window!
Yes, I have a "major award" in my front window and I love it even if it's not really "fragiiiiiile". Or as Gabby spells it, "fale ge". Comically neither of my children have seen this film. Gabs just likes the word and leg so she has been drawing us some great pictures of it. Of course I will be having a family movie night with it and them soon.
So happy weekend everyone. In case you get bored and feel like seeing a major award you should ride past the Covert Chicken Farm and rejoice with us in our tackiness! Just honk the horn and know we'll be cheering FRAGIIIIIIILE! As you go by.
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