Late to bed last night and late to rise today. The family is still sleeping and I'm still too tired or lazy this morning to even make coffee. Gasp! I know, but I have a diet coke and leftover Christmas cookies instead.
One more family gathering for Christmas on Sunday left. Then the season of birthdays begins right before the New Year. One the end of December, three in January, three in February, one in March, three in April I think, combining both Dennis and my sides of the family.
Pie baking will shift to cake making. Gabs will be eight and Tori eleven. So cliche but time it does fly. Tori has always been a teenager trapped in a kids body. Her loads of Christmas makeup gifts and clothes make a sharp comparison to Gabby ' s Legos, dolls and toys. Spinning wheel, spinning wheel...I really wish you'd slow down. I really can't help but wonder if other countries, societies, are the same. I see documentaries and watch international house hunters. They sure do portray it as a slower pace. Who's to say who's right? I have no desire to move but daily afternoon naps and lots more vacation doesn't sound too bad.
Still thinking about the New Year. Not sure if/what I will resolve. But I do feel differently somehow. Nothing really short term in my head. I feel a slight shift inside me that might be the tipping point of a whole new view of the world or maybe just of my life. I have this better sense at least of what I do and don't want. Of what I will and won't give up just to keep up with the Jones ' s. I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going but I have a rosyier outlook on the journey though.
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