We're having Amish chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. They were a gift with purchase for buying a chicken coop from "Miller's Mini Barns" out of Salem, Indiana. We bought our other building through them and also got cookies then as well. I find this incredibly funny for some reason and at the same time logical in a weird baker's brain sort of way.
I mean you spend several thousand dollars with someone then by golly you should get cookies to sweeten the deal. Right?
I looked up their business to see if they also run a bakery but I can't find anything on it. They do actually have a website which is another odd fact in my opinion. Amish website design. I was curious about that as well and evidently various groups have different beliefs in regards to use of some electricity and even Internet use. As long as you are off the grid, I.e. solar powered and wireless? All the same here's their website:
Alas no mention of cookies though. Let me tell it's a good recipe. Almost worth buying a chicken coop for lol! I am really curious about this practice.
Curious enough that the next free day off we have I want to take a road trip to Indiana to see their business in person. I'm weird like that. I love to imagine stories behind people and practices.
I'd like to meet the lady baking the cookies. I have questions, I admit I am strange. But seriously though:
Do they only bake the cookies?
Are they legitimately from scratch?
Why chocolate chip?
Why cookies at all?
If they just do the cookies for the whole gift with purchase thing then how often do they actually have to bake them?
I mean seriously how many barns can you really sell in a day or week?
I realize of course that I really should have better things to consider but in all sincerity I find daydreaming about barn building, cookie bakers much more pleasurable than worrying about politics and all the other stresses of life. Not to mention I want that recipe.
Okay enough daydreaming. Back to life. Gotta get the girls ready for school. And let me just end by saying, don't judge me for feeding my kids breakfast cookies....they at least are Amish Cookies....that makes them more wholesome somehow right?
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