I wish I had some words of wisdom, some poetic way to encompass the day and put a spotlight on what makes the day important and special. I don't though. Each of us finds our own meaning in a celebration. We have our own customs that make it special to us. I don't think that you can force people to find enlightenment and a newly refreshed happiness in life merely because a grid of numbers on the wall tells them that today is the designated day for them to focus on and give thanks for what they have.
I have been embracing honesty of late and while I will take pause to recognize all that I have to be grateful for and that I have that many don't I also must put highlight on the fact that this day can bring a lot of stress, unhappiness and might just be a burden for some.
I think perhaps in the beginning the holidays were set forth with truly the best of intentions. They were days that people should take pause to be with family and friends to share a meal and enjoy a few hours when we could slow down and not feel the weight of winters more darkened days. I don't in any way think the day resembles what the story of the first Thanksgiving says it was all about. Even back then there were stressed out people who worried about having enough food to make it through the winter and hope to get them through to spring. The pilgrims and native Americans in our minds have become stereotypes and almost cartoon like.
The fact is many will work today. Many are alone. Many don't have enough to eat. Many are saddened. Many have stress. Many are tired and want to rest but commercialism and expectations from society, necessity, are telling them that they are some how wrong for feeling all that.
I wish we could give each other some slack. Give each other a break. I wish we'd stop telling one another that you must do this, bake this, buy that in order to be one of "us" during the holidays. We need to start seeing the real people around us. And not just on specific days that have been set aside to do it.
I am not meaning to darken the moment but I feel it's important to say all this. While for many today is a break from work and time to be with family it's another day of hard work and perhaps heightened sense of being alone for others.
We all aren't given the day off. And even if we are some see it as a loss to their bank accounts and begrudge having to give their fellow people a chance to break from the mad dash. Many are viewing this day as the day to get ready for the most profitable day of their year. Their employees won't be breaking to be with family they'll instead be working overtime to stock shelves so people can fight for a few dollars difference in a price.
I hope everyone can remember that fact. Today, yes, be thankful for all you have. But recognize that others may not have it as well. Show your gratitude by spreading kindness, understanding and by not feeding into the stress of the world about you. Make a conscious effort to smile at even strangers and to remember that you never truly know what worries someone may have. Let your Thankfulness be more about the feeling and finding and sharing peace.
That said I wish you all a day of plenty and fulfillment. I wish for you to find a day of calm in the storm. I wish for you happiness and a sense of contentment, to feel connected even if you are spending the day alone. I am Thankful for all I have and I'm going to be honestly thankful by not taking for granted that many don't have the same.
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