So the other day as I was driving Gabs to school, Tori was feeling rough and home with Dennis for the day, I stopped to make a right turn onto main and was facing a road sign across street. It was one of those random moments when you notice something for the first time that you actually see every day but are sort of on autopilot and look through it instead of at it.
Just a sign listing local historical lamdmarks and such but again my weird brain found it funny. The Sunny Side is one direction and Maxwell House the other. You'd think they would reside together as that the consumption of one can often lead you to the other. The fact that I even had this thought leads me to believe that I hadn't had enough coffee myself that morning.
Today is not much different. I am not feeling too alert and chatty today. Poor Toris week continued with her feeling sick. We finally found out yesterday at the urgent treatment center that she'd had an ear infection coming on for days and that was actually causing her sore throat.
We didn't get to bed till around 1 a.m. They no longer offer prescription ear drops for some inane reason. Fortunately Dennis found some homeopathic type late yesterday at Wally World when we realized nothing else was going to allow her to sleep. They helped though and she, and we, got some rest.
The house is still completely quiet now. Even my brain allowed me to sleep till 7:15 today. I think I will forgo the coffee for a bit and head back to bed for at least awhile. Otherwise my own Sunny Side shall not shine today.
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