Don't you hate it when you wake up 30 minutes before you actually have to get up? Even worse is that you had just went back to bed before that because you'd already woke up like an hour and a half before you actually had to get up. Yeah so that happened.
So I decided to make myself pancakes and sit on the couch feeling sorry for myself. I know that you're thinking, "crappy mom making pancakes just for herself. " It ain't the case though. For all their sugar consumption my family doesn't care for pancakes. On occasion Dennis will eat a couple but the girls will look at me like I'm crazy if I offer them some. It's just not natural in my opinion.
So I'm taking a note from the guy who sits somewhere on the edge of a pier drinking beer and instead I'm sitting here on the edge of the couch eating chocolate chip, bacon pancakes. Yes, chocolate chip and bacon. That's happening too. My new motto seems to be becoming, "don't judge. "
I'm planning in my head what I need to get done for Thanksgiving at least so I'm being a little productive. There's a pile of towels sitting next to me that need folding, clothes in the dryer that need turning back on at least twice more before I will get them hung up. I have to make a grocery list...dang free loading chickens still aren't laying. The older ones have hit the phase where they won't lay in the colder months and the younger birds haven't started laying yet at all. I'm hoping once they settle into their new house they'll take it up in time for Christmas. There's baking to be done after all!
All the same I'll be buying eggs this week though. It's pie season. At least 3 or four this week. Just have to figure out what kind for each place we are going.
Then I need to dust and vacuum too. Got to get the house ready because the girls are expecting their elf on the shelf to visit right after Thanksgiving and stay through Christmas. Can't have her reporting back to Santa that we live in a pig sty.
I need to make a to do list. But first I'd better wake everyone up or else we're going to be late for the last day of school this week!
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